The National Trial Lawyers would like to invite you to contribute articles about criminal defense for The Trial Lawyer magazine. Do you have criminal defense expertise that you’d like to share with your fellow members? Please write an article about your experience or on a criminal defense-related subject and send it to us. E-mail it to us at .
Also, do you have a unique hobby, pastime or collection that you’d like to share with your fellow National Trial Lawyer members? We have a new feature in The Trial Lawyer magazine called “Outside the Courtroom” about what our members do when they’re not in the courtroom or in an office. If you’ve got an interesting, fun or unusual talent, please contact us at and you could be featured in an upcoming issue of The Trial Lawyer.
Your submission could be included in The Trial Lawyer magazine, in our newsletters or on our blogs. Please note that all submissions become property of Legal Associations Management, and we do not guarantee publication of all submissions. Also, there is no compensation for submissions. If you’ve got an article, or would like to write an article to submit, please e-mail a copy to .
Get involved, and submit your article today!