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Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft Lawsuits Filed by Injured and Investors; December 30, 2013

Jefferson City, MO: In the wake of Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft lawsuits alleging injuries, Medtronic investors have filed a lawsuit against the medical device company, claiming false and misleading statements regarding the use of the Infuse Bone Graft for reduction of pain and for complications associated with treating degenerative disc disease. Meanwhile, recent reports and studies have shown damning evidence against Medtronic’s product.

Two reports released in 2013, both published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, indicated that the genetically engineered Infuse product has “little benefit beyond standard treatment and could expose patients to harm.” One report went further, stating that previously published studies were biased and they were little more than “infomercials” for medical device companies. Both reviews also mentioned a possible cancer risk with the product.

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