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Essure, Permanent Birth Control Procedure, Associated with Serious Injuries

News Inferno; October 17, 2013

Essure, a permanent birth control method marketed by Bayer, has been tied to allegations of serious adverse reactions, according to well-known consumer advocate, Erin Brockovich.

Brockovich is working to have the Essure banned and told that, about one year ago, she began hearing about women reporting serious adverse reactions associated with the sterilization procedure. “There’s something wrong with the device, in my opinion,” Brockovich said. “It’s a form of permanent birth control, and women’s organs are being perforated…. It’s ridiculous that at any level we try to defend this. If 30 women did suffer harm for unknown reason, we’d investigate. We have thousands injured. I don’t think it’s safe,” she added, according to

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