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Hundreds of Lawsuits Filed over GranuFlo

News Inferno; August 26, 2013

Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed over risks associated with inadequate warnings for GranuFlo and NaturaLyte.

According to court documents, more than 300 lawsuits have been filed nationwide and more are expected, WickedLocalWaltham reported. Allegations include that Fresenius Medical Care neglected to adequately warn patients and medical centers about cardiac arrest risks tied to GranuFlo and NaturaLyte, dialysates that are used remove impurities from blood during dialysis treatment.

“These plaintiffs seek damages for wrongful death and personal injuries,” according to the plaintiffs’ memorandum from court records. “Fresenius designed, developed, manufactured, labeled, supplied, sold, marketed and distributed the subject products throughout the United States for treatment of dialysis patients,” the memorandum continued, according to WickedLocalWaltham.

Fresenius spokesman, Kent Jarrell said that GranuFlo and NaturaLyte are “safe and effective when used in accordance with their labels and instructions,” and are an essential dialysis component and life-extending treatment for patients diagnosed with advanced and permanent kidney failure, WickedLocalWaltham reported.

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