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Ralph Nader Plans Museum Touting US Legal System, Detailing Tort Law

Minneapolis Star Tribune; July 28, 2013

Ralph Nader has a new cause.

After dedicating nearly half a century to battling businesses over almost everything from dangerous products to the influence of money in politics, the consumer advocate is planning a museum in his Connecticut hometown that celebrates victories of the law over corporate power.

The 79-year-old Nader says the American Museum of Tort Law, which is set to be built in a former bank building in downtown Winsted, will hold appeal for an audience far beyond law school students. He said in an interview with The Associated Press that visitors will learn that the jury system serves ordinary citizens.

"I hope they and their children will see what an awesome institution it is," he said. "Most people feel excluded from the democratic processes in our country. There's a lot of cynicism, lethargy, apathy."

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